/ News, Events
The Time For Denial is Over: Transnational Restitution Movement

It is with great pleasure that we announce our first public event for the Fall 2022: “The Time for Denial is Over - Basel”, 30 September 2022, Mehrzweckraum, Kollegienhaus, 3-5 pm.
Critical Urbanisms will host a round table discussion with the Congolese/Swiss art collective Group 50:50, Bernhard Schar (ETH Zurich) and Samuel Bachmann (Bernisches Historisches Museum / University of Basel).
The event is an occasion to discuss Group 50:50’s latest work on restitution, (neo)colonial crimes, death and mourning: a multimedia musical theatre piece titled “The Ghosts are Returning”, that will be performed in Basel, at Kaserne on the 29 September.
For those who are interested to attend the show at Kaserne Click here to reserve a seat.