04 Oct 2019
09:00  - 17:00

Kollegienhaus, Regenzzimmer 111

Mediterranean Fascism(s) Workshop

Over the course of this day-long workshop, participants from a range of disciplines will analyse and theorize the manifold legacies of fascism and colonialism that endure in the myriad crises that now reverberate across the Mediterranean region in the present.

Mediterranean Fascism(s)

As a particular form of political and social logic which circulates within and contours contemporary debates, policies, and state projects, the workshop will both diagram Mediterranean Fascism(s), but will also aim to locate the resistant practices that suggest the possibility of something otherwise being put into motion. Specifically, the workshop will explore what is the place of art, architecture and material heritage in shaping and inspiring practices of resistance and processes of de-fascistization. For more information: emilio.distretti@unibas.ch
Participants: Heba Amin, Ida Danewid, Emilio Distretti, Beth Hughes, Platon Issaias, Emily Jacir, LĂ©opold Lambert, Ian Alan Paul & Alessandro Petti

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