Kollegienhaus, Regenzzimmer 111
Urbanism in Conflict: Cities, Conflict and Contestation
We propose that conflict be considered as a mode of inhabiting cities—indeed, as a mode of citizenship—but also as potentially a mode of eroding citizenship and urban fabric through both violent and non-violent means. Guest lecturers from a range of disciplines in the social sciences will address how issues ranging from participatory democracy and environmental justice to ethnic violence and migration reshape cities. The roster of guest lecturers includes renowned experts in the following areas of research: critical geography and mapping, urban politics, urbanism from the South, heritage studies, architectural research and activism.
9 September (Ananya Roy)
30 September (Laura Kurgan)
3 October (Léopold Lambert)
28 October (Nathalie Jean Baptiste)
11 November (Khaled Malas)
25 November (Deborah Cowen)
10 December (Mason White)
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