Dr. Ernest Sewordor MA
Research associate
Assistant / PhD candidate
Ernest Sewordor
Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
FG Cupers

Research associate

Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Rheinsprung 21
4051 Basel


Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Fachbereich Urban Studies


Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Rheinsprung 21
4051 Basel


Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Geschichte
Professur Tischler

Assistant / PhD candidate


Curriculum Vitae

Dr. (phil. des.) Ernest Sewordor is a global urban historian of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Africa, specialising on Ghana (Gold Coast). He holds a bachelor's and master's degree, both in History, from the University of Ghana. In 2022, he earned a PhD in Urban Studies at the University of Basel, Switzerland, where he is currently a postdoc researcher. His article, “The Urban Culture of the ‘Model’ Christian Settlement at Abokobi, Ghana, 1854-1929”, won the 2024 Founder’s Award from the Society of Architectural Historians. Inspired by his previous research, hislatest project examines the urban and architectural impact of the Basel Mission in Ghana and its contemporary heritage politics from trans-Atlantic perspectives that tie Ghana, Switzerland, and southern Germany together.